[UPDATED] How to add outside completed trainings to your report?
In this article, you will learn how to include the trainings completed outside the School Food Handler platform to your reports.
1. From the left navigation panel, hover your mouse over to Training and click Add Training from the menu that will appear.
2 Enter the Training Name on the Training Name field and click the Next button to proceed to the next section.
3. Select the users who completed the training.
4. Use either the Group or Name filters for easier searching or you can just select the users from the list below.
5. Click Add to display the users on the list.
6. You can also delete a specific user on the list by clicking the X button beside their name.
7. Once you are done selecting the users, click Next to proceed.
8. Add the Training Details being asked on the next section.
9. You can also upload certificates to the training by clicking the Upload Attachments button.
10. Click the Add Training button to save your changes.
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