[NEW] How to Use the Select Conference Feature
This guide provides a step-by-step process for utilizing the select conference feature to add training sessions for users efficiently.
1. Navigate to Training: Begin by accessing the training section on the left side navigation bar on your profile page.
2. Add Training: Click on the 'Add Training'
3. Select or Create Training: You'll be presented with an option to either select an existing conference or create a new training session from scratch.
4. Choose Conference: From the list of available conferences, choose the conference you want to add.
5. Select Session: After selecting the conference, choose the specific session that you wish to add as training.
6. Select Users: Determine the participants of the training by selecting users. This can be done by group, individual names, or selecting all users currently displayed on the page.
7. Upload Attachments (Optional): If you have any relevant documents or resources, you can upload them as attachments to the training session.
8. Proceed: Click the 'Next' button to continue to the next step.
9. Add Training: Complete the process by clicking the 'Add Training' button.
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