[NEW 2.0] Proctor Login
It is a mandatory requirement for ALL Food Manager exams to be completed with a proctor present. In this article, you will learn how to log in to your proctor portal directly from your main profile page.
From your main Profile Page, hover your mouse over to the left side of your screen where it says Manage. This will give you another menu selection. Click on "Proctor Login".
This page directly takes you to the Always Food Safe site to access your portal for the Manager Certification Exam.
What is a Proctor?
A Proctor is someone who administers an Always Food Safe Food Protection Manager Certification Exam. This is a vital role within your organization.
What are your duties?
- Arrange and schedule upcoming Manager exams
- Administer the exams by following the exam process, setup by Always Food Safe's proctor guide
- Provide certificates to staff upon successfully completing the exam
What are the benefits of being a proctor?
With the exam being proctored by someone in your organization, you don't have to pay for an external exam center to proctor the exam. You can also save time, and it is easier to administer. Once your staff has completed the exam, their certificates will be stored in a single location inside your account.
Here is a sample Always Food Manager Certificate:
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